Written by mags
Published: 07 September 2013
Not so sure you can have more than just your cake. But someday I'd like to eat it, too. And speaking of someday, I'm sure that's when I'll post another collage! I’ll try my best to go back to my MONTHLY sched (hells, even bi-annually would be something!) SWEARS.

Written by mags
Published: 29 April 2013
Try Google imaging WILDFIRES. It's one of the most striking (no pun intended) visuals you'll see. Totally unfortch, don't get me wrong. Just a thing of tragic beauty.

Written by mags
Published: 19 April 2013
Everyone in the art dept where I work (Bridalville Mag) gets sent on location to exotic places. Me? Only in my dreams, accompanied by cranes.

Written by mags
Published: 19 March 2013
OK, I'm contemplating changing this blog to Collage a MONTH. Right?!
In the meantime, I'll keep looking up.

Written by mags
Published: 24 February 2013
A shout-out to my besties, Coco (WEST) and Liza (EAST). You both wear pink so well.

Written by mags
Published: 10 February 2013
Let's have another serving.

Written by mags
Published: 31 January 2013
Well, there goes my Collage a WEEK. It was alway ambitious, especially when this collage is the exact opposite of my mind.
I will stare at it often and try to imbue.

Written by mags
Published: 18 January 2013
It's always best to enjoy the view with a mate.
This one's for you, Jason. I always enjoy your view. XO

Written by mags
Published: 08 January 2013
I think I'll always be pulled between my two worlds of NY and LA, watching from the sidelines, but wholly ready to plunge in.

Written by mags
Published: 01 January 2013
So, HAPPY NEW YEAR and all! On this FRESHY FRESH day, Jan 1, I vow to commit to getting my art out there, no matter how many peeps see it or not, so I am starting this site, and will present… READY? (Am I?!)…
I am sitting my ass down, at least once a week, and cutting things and pasting things. No Photoshop here. So there. Breakin' my mold.